Monkey Pics

March 25, 2008 on 9:17 am | In Knitting | 1 Comment

I was able to find the time to take some pictures, so here you go… my progress as of last night. The yarn seems perfect for the leg and went a bit wonky when I had extra stitches while I was working on the gusset. But it has gone back to nice rainbows after I finished that. I’m happy since I was expecting the entire thing to be more on the wonky side. So, the pictures you get are the entire socks, a close-up of the pattern on the leg, a close-up of the pattern during the gusset, and the last picture is my progress on the baby blanket. My new needle tips arrived yesterday (talk about fast!) so I was able to start working on that again. But I have to say that the garter stitch baby blanket isn’t as much fun as the rainbow monkey socks.

And yet again, because I can…

1 Comment

  1. Love the socks!!! They look fantastic!

    Has Henry got red hair?? It looks like it in the picture.

    Comment by Christine S — March 25, 2008 #

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