Freak Knitting Accident…

March 21, 2008 on 11:50 am | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Scott asked me if I had a freak knitting accident when I wandered in last night all sad and showed him the state of my lovely size 6 tips from my Knit Picks Harmony set. One tip had pulled out of the metal and the other had snapped. Actually the first tip had pulled out a while ago and I just shoved it back on and continued knitting. But for sympathy I pulled it out when I went to show Scott. And I think I might have leaned a little on my knitting when it was on the couch just before the second one broke.

This morning I called Knit Picks and they are sending me a new set of tips. Hopefully I wrote down the correct tips size in my notebook on Ravelry since I didn’t confirm the size this morning.

And on a different note, what kind of place that delivers things (like edible flower arrangements) charge extra for delivery?

And because I can, here is another cute baby picture…


  1. Here’s hoping you’ll be back to knitting in no time!

    Henry is so cute!

    Comment by Christine S — March 22, 2008 #

  2. Henry is so adorable! I just want to pinch those cheeks!

    Comment by Abi — March 23, 2008 #

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