Maternity Leave is almost over…
March 1, 2008 on 6:20 pm | In Henry, Knitting | 1 CommentI go back to work on Wednesday and Henry starts daycare on Monday (just afternoons for Monday and Tuesday to get the kinks worked out). So, yesterday was my last full weekday with the little bub. I’m both sad and happy to be going back to work. There are many times when I can’t wait because someone else can deal with his difficult side. But then there are the smiles I’m going to miss and lots of milestones he will reach while I’m at work. And I’m afraid he will forget who I am. I’ll drop him off about 8am and daddy will be picking him up at 4pm and watching him until I get home after 6pm. There are the times when I wish we lived closer (could be an hour or more commute given the time of day, in ideal conditions it is only 35 minutes). I might end up using the really expensive toll road (like $5 one way) just to save time and be home faster.
In preparation for the big day, I got DH and me cell phones (our very first). DH didn’t want one at all, but he needed a way to call the daycare if he gets stuck in traffic or something goes horrible wrong and we need to contact him. We are the last people in our family to get them. Even my 13 yo niece and 12 yo nephew got cell phones before us.
A quick summary of how things are going. He is sleeping at night (but still having trouble getting him to stay asleep between 7:30 and 10:00 pm). His daytime naps are getting better. He is eating up a storm. I think he might be starting a growth spurt since he is waking up twice instead of just once at night and that was even when I was able to get the dream feed in (usually when I can get the dream feed in, he doesn’t wake up until 5am). I tried nursing again this week and things on his side were much improved. I need to toughen up when it comes to nursing (a baby is much rougher on me than a pump).
I’ve also starting knitting during pumping instead of reading books. I’ve made some good progress on the baby blanket. It should be finished just in time for the warmer weather 😉
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I’m sure Henry will do fine at the daycare and you’ll still get lots of laughs, smiles and milestones with him. The baby blanket looks beautiful!!
Comment by Christine S — March 1, 2008 #