Night Owl
February 12, 2008 on 1:44 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Night OwlNot too much happening over here. I’ve gotten really sick of Henry being a night owl (up from 10pm to 6am with no naps) so I’ve taken it into my own hands and now I’m torturing him. I’m following the advice of the Baby Whisperer and I’m only letting him nap for 45 minutes to an hour out of every three. Today is day three of baby torture (it is hard to keep up a sleepy baby). Tomorrow I get to extend his naps by fifteen minutes. In the end they will be between 1.5 and 2 hours long. I need to get him sleeping at night time before I go back to work. I won’t be able to function at work with only an hour or two of sleep. If all goes according to plan, I’ll only have to wake up around 2am to feed him at night time.
I’m so jealous of my friends who got their baby to sleep thru the night by this age (2 months today). And here I am just fighting to get him to sleep at night.
Did I mention that the rubbing of the baby budha belly worked and Henry has a spot in a home daycare/pre-school? He’ll start there on March 3rd for two days part time before I go back to work on the 5th when he goes full time.
I had started to run and I was doing really well. But with the whole baby torture thing, I missed yesterday’s run. I’m now starting to wonder if I’ll be able to make my goal of 6+ miles by the first weekend of May (marathon relay). Last night I opted for a nap instead of a run when DH came home. and so far today, I’ve been napping when he does since he didn’t get to sleep until 4:30 and then I was up at 6:30 to do some stuff before I woke him at 7 to start another day of torture.
Oh, and I’m less than two pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. My next goal is going to be to lose 15 pounds. All I’m doing for weight loss so far is running and nursing (technically exclusively pumping, but that is a whole ‘nother story for another time). We’ll see how far that gets me before I start tackling the food part.
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