What’s up?

January 8, 2008 on 7:02 pm | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Sorry about the lack of posting. My computer is current living in the basement until we finish the den (be under construction since early last year!). We are making progress and hopefully my computer will be upstairs again soon. Since it is hard to haul the baby to the basement, I’ve been using Scott’s laptop these days. I haven’t felt like moving the card reader upstairs, so no pictures. But I have been composing posts in my head. A lot of good that does, huh?

So, guess what I got for Christmas?

No, I don’t mean the crying baby. Scott got me a macro lens for my DSLR.

I also got a set of close-up filter for my zoom since I thought the macro lens was too expensive (mom got me the filters). So, I did some head to head comparison. The three picture are the macro lens, the zoom lens, and the zoom lens with all the filters (+7).

There are lots more photos on the camera, so I’ll try to post again soon.

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