Baby Budda Belly

January 28, 2008 on 3:35 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Baby Budda Belly

Well, it looks like rubbing the baby (and daddy) budda belly for the past week helped.  The maybe I was waiting for turned into a yes and I’m really excited.  It is a home pre-school that has an infant room and the lady sounds really nice and organized.  The price is good (not too cheap and not too expensive) and the hours are doable.  Since it is mainly a pre-school the hours are 7:30 to 4.  Those are exactly the hours Scott works, so since I’ll be dropping off, he’ll just shift his hours to make the 4 o’clock pickup.  We are going to stop by on Friday to tour the place.  I need to get all my questions figured out before then.

And a small baby related funny…  I put one of the “many faces of Henry” as the background on Scott’s laptop.  And about the same time he changed the sounds so now when you log in, you see a huge closeup of Henry and the sound is from Alladin “Who disturbs my slumber?”  It is quite funny.

Another funny (which would make some people cry)… I got my hair done on Saturday.  When Lisa was finishing up she decided to thin some in front.  So, she grabbed the yellow scissors and accidentally chopped off some hair.  She mean to get the yellow scissors that look like it has teeth but instead grabbed yellow regular scissors.  She felt like crying.  Me, I just started laughing.  Luckily it was in the front and the accident just gave me some swoop bangs.  She felt really really bad and said she hasn’t done anything like that in the sixteen years she has been doing hair.  It wasn’t horrible and it turned out okay in the end, so I’m not upset.  I got a free haircut and some free products out of it.  I really like Lisa (and she is my friend’s sister), so I’ll keep going back.  She was just having a bad day and boy I bet that didn’t help.

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