Henry’s Birth Story
December 16, 2007 on 12:39 am | In Uncategorized | 7 CommentsI’ll start the story just after the work holiday party. It went from 1pm to 4pm so I took the rest of the afternoon off. Since Babies R Us was just down the street, I went and got the matching ottoman for the glider with the next 15% off coupon. Then I headed home and promptly took a nap. Now that might not sound all that strange. But the one thing I haven’t had during this pregnancy is the fatigue that is usually associated with it. So, you can probably count on one hand the number of times I crashed after coming home from work.
The rest is going to have some TMI, so for those you don’t want to read the rest, don’t continue. Don’t say I didn’t warn you… Continue reading Henry’s Birth Story…
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