No Glider for Jenni

December 6, 2007 on 6:14 pm | In Uncategorized | 4 Comments

We had planned to go to store and buy the glider with the 15% off coupon we got in the mail.  Except it snowed all day yesterday and the plans got canceled.  I shouldn’t be upset, I mean it was pretty horrible driving home.  But part of me feels like it was canceled and not just postponed.  We are planning to go Saturday, but I know something will come up and it just won’t happen.  Yay for hormones.  I’m starting to get really irritable and poor Scott is probably too.

I’m sniffling a bunch these days because I’ve got what I call pregnancy nose.  I don’t sniffle all that often.  But in the middle of the night he basically told me to go blow my nose.  So, I got pissed and went and slept in the spare bedroom (which has the horrible mattress).  And that pissed me off even more.  Because he couldn’t get to sleep, my little sniffling (which I’ve been doing for a couple of weeks now) was a problem  and I had to leave?  Me who is 9 months pregnant.  Talk about unfair.  If he tries to make me take the baby to another room because the little guy is disturbing his sleep, he has another thing coming.  He will either have to put up with it or move to the spare bedroom.

This morning he tried to be all cuddling and said that he didn’t want me to leave, just turn away from him… but I was already facing away what else was he expecting me to do?  Blowing my nose wasn’t going to do anything, I’ve tried that before!


  1. *hugshugshugs*

    Comment by Sue — December 6, 2007 #

  2. I remember you had the sniffles when we last met. {{Hugs}}

    Comment by Shalini — December 7, 2007 #

  3. That sucks, Jenni!! ((hugs))

    Comment by Christine S — December 7, 2007 #

  4. Oh, gotta love the hormones. If he’s smart, his vocabulary will consist only of the following phrases from now until baby arrives: I love you, you’re beautiful, whatever you want, yes ma’am, and you’re going to be a great mother! You’re almost there; he can put up with the sniffling for a few more weeks, and he needs to realize that the hormones are making you much more sensitive to such rudeness than you would normally be (he’s probably baffled about what the big deal is, if I had to guess). Just wait until you are crying about everything for no reason for a good week or so after baby arrives. So fun! (not) Just thought I’d warn you, since no one warned me and I was terrified something was wrong with me. Crying over everything and nothing is just *not* like me and had DH both concerned and confused. You might want to warn yours. {{{hugs}}}

    Comment by Erin — December 7, 2007 #

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