Forgot to post yesterday…

December 5, 2007 on 11:31 am | In Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Sorry about that.  Hopefully people didn’t start to wonder if the thermalbaby had arrived.  Nope, nothing yet.  I have a doctor’s appointment today, so we’ll see if I find out anything (my ob is very hands off and only does exams if necessary).

Yesterday morning we had the new parent group meeting at the pediatrician.  It was a group of about 11 people (expecting 6 babies sometime in the next couple of months).  It was basically a meeting with one of the nurse practitioners in the practice and went over how things work there and what to expect in the first year of doctor visits and stuff.

Yesterday was Scott’s turn to scare some people.  He got to work late because of the meeting and all his co-workers thought that the baby was on the way.

One big milestone that I think I forgot to mention is that the car seat is in the car.  I still have to drive by the fire station to get it checked (not required but still a good idea).  This morning would have been good, except for the sprinkling of snow that showed up during rush hour (when it was below freezing) and made the commute horrible.

I feel a bit silly driving around with the car seat in the car.  I could probably put the carrier part in the back or somewhere else, but I just left it in the base for now.  I’m afraid that someone will scream at me for leaving my infant in the car when I go shopping 😉

Sorry about this becoming a baby blog.  If I had more crafty stuff to share, I would…  Okay, I do have a little.  I bought everything I need to finish finish #3 over on the list on the right.  I want to get that together and shipped out before the weekend is over.  I also worked on #4 last night.  He has been really close to finishing for a long long time now.  I finished up his left arm and did the duplicate stitch around the neck to cinch that in a bit.  I have the front and back of his sweater done.  I was waiting to finish the arms before doing that part of the sweater.  And of course he needs a hoodie for his sweater and some facial features (like ears, eyes, and nose).

1 Comment

  1. I am so proud of you for being so prepared! FIL bought our car seat and stroller combo the day Ayame was born. LOL. I don’t know if you know, but make sure you have a LOT of, ahem, feminine products on hand. I don’t know how your DH is, but mine will not go to the store to buy those for me. LOL.

    Comment by Abi — December 5, 2007 #

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