I scared Scott last night…

December 3, 2007 on 4:31 pm | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Okay, this might be TMI, be warned…

Yesterday evening when I sat down cross-legged (usually call it Indian style but that doesn’t feel right on the blog) on the bed I felt a trickle.  I sat there for a bit with a quizzical look on my face that even Scott noticed.  So, I got up and went to the bathroom to figure it out.  I couldn’t smell anything.  So, I came back and told Scott that something leaked and I wasn’t sure if it was just urine or amniotic fluid.  This shocked him a bit.  Scott was on the way to pick up our pizza (we live in the country and only one place delivers and it takes over an hour) so I just sat there and waited to see if more leaking would happen or anything else.  Nothing else leaked last night or today, so not amniotic fluid.  Scott’s reaction was that we had three more weeks!  No matter how often I say the baby can come any day between now and Dec 31st (my scheduled induction date if I go past due), he is still thinking Dec 21st.

But this might be a good thing (scaring him).  When we were eating dinner, I asked him what was going through his head when he drove to get the pizza.  He said two things.  One that he needed to take a shower (he had gone for a run an hour or so before and hadn’t showered yet) and that he shouldn’t have put off finishing the closet upgrade (the closet has been repainted, but the organizer isn’t quite in yet).  That might also be the reason why he agreed to go to Babies R Us on Wednesday this week instead of Saturday like he was pushing for.  I think I’ve finally gotten him to realize that we need to be ready because it could happen at any time now.

When he finally took his shower last night and came out of the bathroom, I said, “Now, we can have the baby.”  He panicked for a minute until he realized I was joking.


  1. *giggle*

    Comment by Sue — December 3, 2007 #

  2. LOL! I love that. Good thing Scott got a preview or practice run. My baby decided to arrive 3 weeks early and scared daddy at 4 am. LOL. You don’t have too long to go. Best wishes!

    Comment by Abi — December 4, 2007 #

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