
November 29, 2007 on 11:43 am | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Last night Traci’s DH, Dave, threw her a surprise birthday party for her <cough> birthday. This is my favorite of the three photos I took when she walked into the room. It shows her surprise and I love how Dave is looking at her. They were way on the other side of the room, so I did play with the image a bit (increased brightness and contrast and cropped it down). I have lots more photos in my gallery from the party. I think everyone had a good time.

And what is a milestone birthday without a new pair of socks! These are my first attempt at custom sizing using the Universal Toe-up Sock Formula from Knitty. And they fit my sister’s tiny feet perfectly, well one sock does… I had forgotten what bind-off I had done on the first sock so I played around with the second. I thought I had figured it out (the stretchy one where you do a k2tog), but it was a lot tighter than the first, so I have to fix it so it can fit over her heel. And yes, I made her take off her shoes and try it on right there in the restaurant so I could see if they fit and to get a photo.

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