
November 29, 2007 on 11:43 am | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Last night Traci’s DH, Dave, threw her a surprise birthday party for her <cough> birthday. This is my favorite of the three photos I took when she walked into the room. It shows her surprise and I love how Dave is looking at her. They were way on the other side of the room, so I did play with the image a bit (increased brightness and contrast and cropped it down). I have lots more photos in my gallery from the party. I think everyone had a good time.

And what is a milestone birthday without a new pair of socks! These are my first attempt at custom sizing using the Universal Toe-up Sock Formula from Knitty. And they fit my sister’s tiny feet perfectly, well one sock does… I had forgotten what bind-off I had done on the first sock so I played around with the second. I thought I had figured it out (the stretchy one where you do a k2tog), but it was a lot tighter than the first, so I have to fix it so it can fit over her heel. And yes, I made her take off her shoes and try it on right there in the restaurant so I could see if they fit and to get a photo.


  1. AMAZING NIGHT ! I loved it and I’m so thankful for such wonderful family and friends!!! Cool, socks, love the color, do you u know me or what. lol

    Comment by Aunt Traci :) — November 29, 2007 #

  2. Hey Jenni,
    Was thinking about you and thought I’d check the blog. It won’t be long now! Catch catnaps if the lack of night sleep is bothering you (a quick 20 minutes after getting home for work is a big help.)

    You look great btw (and definitely look pregnant and NOT fat!) Take it easy, and I’ll keep checking to see how you and the little guy are doing.


    Comment by Sandi — November 30, 2007 #

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