My So Called Scarf

November 27, 2007 on 12:53 pm | In Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Just for Sue…  Here is the start of My So Called Scarf using my handspun Cormo/Alpaca yarn.  It is very soft and squishy.  Since I only have about 220 yds and not the 267 yds called for in the pattern, I decided to go with 24 stitches instead of 30 to get more length.  I’d rather have a skinnier scarf that is longer than a short, squat scarf.  Right now I’m only working on it while I’m at my home computer (dial-up is sooo slow).  But I might be knitting on this more since my hands have been achy and tingly and numb lately (why do I get swollen hands while all the other pregnant women get swollen feet?).  I can’t knit more than a couple of rounds at a time with size 1 needles, but the size 11s on this project don’t hurt as much.


  1. You’re not the only one. I did have swolen feet (though not like a lot of women have), but I also had swolen hands. In fact, when I complained of the joints in my hands hurting around 37 weeks, that’s when they started considering me for induction (not the fact that they were swolen per se, but the fact that they hurt pretty seriously). If it hadn’t been for coming down with bronchitis (they wanted me to be non-contageous before giving birth), L probably would have been born at least a week (or two) before he was.

    Comment by Erin — November 27, 2007 #

  2. Aha! The purple cotton candy it looks very snuggly! I can see a little baby boy snuggling with it already! 😉

    If your hands start to really bother you, you could try putting some heat on them for a bit to see if it eases the ache. (I use a heating pad.) It helps with the joint pain. If you have aches elsewhere and can take warm baths, even better as it will help take some weight off of your back. *hugs*

    Comment by Sue — November 27, 2007 #

  3. I love the colour you chose for your scarf!! Very nice!!

    Comment by Christine S — November 27, 2007 #

  4. My hands got so swollen and tingly and numb toward the end of my pregnancy that I had to give up knitting completely for about four months. Luckily, spinning was OK, as long as I didn’t do too much in one sitting. The last month, I couldn’t even wear my wedding ring! I wore it on a chain around my neck, instead.

    Comment by Sue — November 27, 2007 #

  5. Pretty scarf. I love that stitch (I had downloaded that pattern some time back.).

    Comment by Shalini — November 30, 2007 #

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