Still around

November 21, 2007 on 4:16 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Still around

I’ve been trying to post every day during the week. I guess I should keep that up until the little guy arrives even if it is just small and stupid so I don’t have people thinking I’m in labor or something.

Grandma called yesterday and all 4 cousins are coming tomorrow. So, that gives us a full house at 15 people. I did a quick count of chairs and with the 8 folding chairs in the basement, we have just enough to sit everyone. I just need to figure out how many tables we will need. I have one of the big tables from church but think that only fits ten or so people. So, we’ll have to set up a second table for the 6 “kids” (ages 3.5 to 20). I’m going to make my pumpkin roll tonight and Scott took the mango salsa off my hands after he read my blog entry. That just leaves cleaning and potatoes.

I’m thinking about taking the easy way out on the outlet covers and just buy some cheap white ones instead of painting the bubblegum pink ones green. That will get it all finished in less than ten minutes! Scott had asked that I get the rocket up before Thanksgiving, but I haven’t even printed my template let along started painting it (it is small so it won’t take long).

I had a doctor’s appointment today and the fundal height was 38 cm. So, he is consistently measuring in the upper range of normal each time. She took the swab for GBS which was quite owie.  She also checked my cervix and it is still closed.  I asked if he was still head down (after this point he won’t turn breech so I just wanted to make sure) and she quickly whipped out the ultrasound and yup, still head down.  I’m now up to weekly visits to the OB.

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