Weekend Wrap-up

November 13, 2007 on 6:09 pm | In Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Wow, what a busy weekend!  Friday was the quietest day.  After work I watched some cheesy movies on tv and attached the flames to the dragon scarf while Scott was at Kendo.  Saturday was a Wagon get-together.

So I picked up Shalini bright and early and we headed to Hunt County Yarns before continuing on to Katie’s place in the mountains.  I think Shalini will come to hate shopping with me soon.  I convinced her to get some sock yarn, needles, and a good how to book.  This is the first time she has tried socks and her first go at knitting in the round with double points.  But she said she has 2 inches already finished and is really enjoying it.  I also convinced her to get a skein of bamboo yarn that was half price.  There were only three color ways left.  There one was skein that was in Shalini’s colors (might have been the Serendipity color way), a couple in Purplexed (which I got one skein of) and the rest in pink.  I also ended up with two skeins of Baby Ull for more baby booties.

Then we braved the fog and make it safely to Katie’s place.  A fun time was had by all.  Of the five of us, three were knitting at some point (I’m such an evil influence).  I sewed on the eyes for the dragon scarf and handed it of to Sandi.

Then I alternated between a gift project and the baby blanket.  I think we were there from about noon to 8 pm.  And if possible the way back down the mountain was even more foggy!  After missing our turn and getting the scenic tour to Shalini’s place, I ended up getting home after 9pm.

And if possible Sunday was even more exciting and action packed since it was baby shower day.  I only got one picture before my camera battery died and that was of the awesome cake.  It was bright out, so the picture is very contrasty.  I wanted to take one later… but alas, no battery power.  The cake was suppose to feed 18 people (about what we had), but the canopy of the carriage feed everyone.  So, I have the rest at home!  I hope everyone had fun.  I know I did.  I was a bit worried about how the different groups of family and friend would get along.  But I think the games and activities my sister (aka Aunt Traci) planned went well and it seemed like one big happy group after the onesie painting party.  Sue took pictures so hopefully she’ll post some of them soon.

After the baby shower we packed up our Civic caravan (mom’s and my sister’s) and headed back to my place.  We stuffed everything into the little guys room.  When I started to show Scott, he immediately went into action and put things together.  I couldn’t let him have all the fun so I put together the baby bouncer after he did the stroller and rocket mobile.

But all the fun did take toll on me.  Monday morning my hands were really swollen and hurt and since it was a holiday for Scott, I decided to stay home.  I spent the morning in bed in the vain hopes of getting my blood pressure back down to normal (it has been borderline high at some of my appointments usually after a busy weekend).  Then I spent the afternoon playing in the nursery putting things away and washing things.  I have to say that I feel much more prepared than I did on Friday.  But it might just be all the cute baby things around that really need a baby (the little blue bear is a bit small for the bouncer and my stuffed dog was put into the infant carrier to try that out).  Next up are the thank you cards.  But I’m trying to think of something a bit more personal than the generic thank you for X.


  1. I love how the scarf turned out!! And that cake is absolutely amazing! What kind was it??

    I hope that you’re feeling better today. :-)

    Comment by Christine S — November 13, 2007 #

  2. Love the tassel smoke snort on the draggie!! Sounds like a great time even tho’ you did pay for it later. I’ll add my wishes for feeling better today.

    Comment by Heather — November 14, 2007 #

  3. I LOVE the cake! Sounds like a great shower. Looking at the cake, I’m even more sorry I wasn’t able to attend. M is home sick today with G :(

    You are definitely an evil influence. I hadn’t planned on buying much of anything, and ended up with sock yarn and the book hehe. I love it though. Now I’m looking at the Harmony needles, also thanks to you LOL!
    Sorry about your BP. Take it easy.

    Comment by Shalini — November 14, 2007 #

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