
November 8, 2007 on 7:15 pm | In Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Ever since the Yarn Harlot first invented the term “Kinnearing”, I’ve seen it pop up on lots of blogs. And it took me until last night to realize that I successfully Kinneared Pushkin this week. After Scott took the picture of me in the nursery, I just held the camera down in front of Pushkin and snapped a photo. I didn’t look through the view finder and since it is a DSLR no checking the composition on the screen.  I didn’t get down on his level, I just dropped my arm and took the photo.  And it actually turned out pretty good.

As you can tell, I have nothing else to talk about. Well, I did finish Square 2 and picked up the stitches for Square 3. Maybe you’ll get a photo of that tomorrow, maybe not.

But right now I gotta go. I have a pre-natal massage in 45 minutes. And yes I got my hair done and a pedicure over the weekend. I figure the last trimester is definitely the time to pamper myself.


  1. I’m totally impressed by your Kinnearing abilities. They far out way my feeble attempts.

    Comment by TeresaB — November 9, 2007 #

  2. HA! Your feeble attempts, T?? You’ve seen my Waterglass Series, no? 😉

    Definitely pamper yourself!! You’re going to me going through a lot very soon…you deserve it.

    Comment by Heather — November 9, 2007 #

  3. Ugh! That should have been “going to be…”

    Comment by Heather — November 9, 2007 #

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