If at first you don’t succeed…

November 7, 2007 on 11:47 am | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Try, try again.

It took me a total of three tries before I got Square 2 on the correct side and facing the correct way. Luckily last night I noticed I picked up the stitches on the back and not the front after only 4 rows. The third try seems successful (so far) and I’m just past where I was when I first noticed the goof. I also took the opportunity to switch my Harmony Options to the smaller cable length (I originally went with the longer one because it will become big, but I can switch that back in later).

Last night Scott finished up all the molding work, so I was able to put the furniture on the walls and out of the center of the room. This is how I have it set up now, but it’ll probably change a couple of times before he is here.

I’m going to put the glider on the wall to the left of the mural (which is to the right of the window in the first picture). We’ll get that after the little guy is here. I saw something at Babies R Us about 10% off the remaining things on your registry after the baby is born (that is the only reason we added the glider on, the possibility of getting a discount later).


  1. Room looks great !

    Comment by Aunt Traci :) — November 7, 2007 #

  2. The nursery looks fabulous! And that star stitch…way cool!!

    Comment by Heather — November 7, 2007 #

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