Baby update
November 6, 2007 on 1:08 pm | In Uncategorized | 4 CommentsI haven’t posted a baby update in a while, so here you go (warning: very boring, you might want to skip to the end of this paragraph)… Everything is going very well. I don’t feel all that huge and I’m quite happy to let the little guy cook for as long as he wants. I’m still getting plenty of sleep and I think I have everything I need except for the infant carrier which my MIL is getting for me. I should get that on Sunday at my baby shower. And here is a very unflattering picture of me that Scott took last night (33 weeks 3 days)…
On the knitting front, I finished up square 1 and moved on to square 2 of the baby blanket. The first square was garter stitch in baby blue. The second square is star stitch in capri. I really like how the star stitch is working out. I’ll have to take care when I block it because the star stitch is pulling in a bit (clickity to make biggity, hee hee I’ve been reading that on other blogs and I think it is cute).
<editted to add>Aww crap, I just was knitting at lunch and was fixing my pattern for the typo in Block 9 when I realized that I did section 2 wrong. I left the stitches on the needle and just started with the darker blue. I was suppose to rotate section 1 and pick up on the edge. Luckily I only finished ten rows before I realized. I also double checked and all the other sections have the right number to pick up. I added arrows to my cheat sheet to hopefully prevent any further goofs. </edit>
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No, you look great! And I am thrilled to hear that you are having a calm boring pregnancy. I know my friend Virginia (who has been to the ER at least twice so far this pregnancy) would be happy to trade with you. 😉
Comment by Erin — November 6, 2007 #
You look fantastic!! You definitely have that pregnancy glow. I can’t believe it’s only a few more weeks until your little one is here!
Comment by Christine S — November 6, 2007 #
Yup lookit that glow!!
And don’t rush Sunday on us… we still have some scurrying around to do! *scurry scurry scurry*
The menu is pretty simple, though… chocolate, chocolate and chocolate! 😉
Comment by Sue — November 6, 2007 #
Look at you! Love that pregnancy glow.
Glad you caught the mistake before doing too much. I voted for the #6 😀 Don’t mess it up, ok.
Comment by Shalini — November 6, 2007 #