Pushkin, the Mighty

November 2, 2007 on 10:36 am | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

I was talking to Sue and Kathie last night and mentioned how much I liked the one photo of Pushkin I took with my new camera. They had no idea what I was talking about, because I haven’t posted that picture yet! I have it on my digital frame at work so I see it every day. So, here is Pushkin, the Mighty posing for the camera.

And for a crafty update, here is a quick status of the projects on the side bar. #1 is finished except for buttons, #2 is about 75% complete, #3 needs to be finished into the final product. I restarted #4 since I forgot where I was. I think I’m about 1/3 of the way done (want to give to Sandi next weekend). #5 was frogged and I need to restart. #6 is not quite 75% complete. #7 needs a second arm and then sleeves for his sweater. I haven’t touched #8, 9, or 10 in months.


  1. Pretty kitty. The whole photo is lovely, actually.

    Comment by Kelley — November 2, 2007 #

  2. That is a fantastic Pushkin picture. You should print it and frame it :)

    Comment by suz — November 6, 2007 #

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