I am DSLR enabled!

October 11, 2007 on 5:46 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on I am DSLR enabled!

I was quite the surprise when I checked the UPS status of my camera to see that they attempted delivery on Tuesday and no one was home to sign for it.  Amazon told me the expected delivery was sometime next week.  And the last status I saw was that the shipping information had been given to UPS on Monday.  I didn’t get the InfoNotice until Tuesday night, so the earliest I could pick it up was this morning.  So, before work I stopped by UPS and brought my little camera to work with me.  First thing I did before running off (to 5 meetings in a row) was plug in the battery to get that charging.  When I stopped by my office at lunch time (to finally eat my breakfast), the battery was fully charged!  All I need now is to get home so I can start playing with it.

In more good news, I think I passed my gestational diabetes test.  I was 95% sure I was going to fail the 1 hour challenge.  But my doctor’s office policy is no new is good news.  Since it has been over a week, I’m declaring it good news!

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