Cravings and Pet Peeves

October 17, 2007 on 1:52 pm | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

I’ve been asked fairly regularly if I have any cravings.  I had more during the first trimester (hamburgers and sweet potatoes).  But, right now I would have to say Twix, especially the fun size ones that are out for Halloween.  We’ll see if I just normally like them or if after the little one is born they are just okay and not the nectar of the gods that they seem to be right now.  Catherine didn’t think she had any cravings since she normally liked string cheese.  But after Noah was born, string cheese, while still good, didn’t satisfy her the same way.  I’m thinking my little Twix bars might be the same.

Pet Peeves (and no, nothing to do with Pushkin).  These are mostly driving related.  This morning on my way to work I encountered yet another idiot who refused to make a wrong turn or since we were on a back country road, make a 3 point turn.  Instead, he put his car into reverse and was backing up… in the lane where I was driving… right towards me.  He could have easily made a 3 point turn or even pulled into the little access road right next to him to turn around.  It would have been quicker than driving backwards up the road.  A couple of weeks ago (I think it was the Thursday before I went to CATS), the traffic home was pretty heavy.  So, this guy decided he wanted to bail off that road and take an alternate route.  I have no problem with that.  The problem I had was that he was in the left shoulder backing up so he could get to the exit ramp he missed.  Did he actually expect to be able cross three lanes of stop and go traffic after he backed up enough?  That is almost as bad as the idiot who decided when the light turn green (he was first at the light in the far right lane) that he needed to cross two lanes of traffic to take the left turn.  What idiots!  Why are people so afraid to miss their turn that they are willing to cause a traffic accident to take it?

And to end things on a happy note, here is my sister and her youngest.

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