Watch out for the crazy people…

October 25, 2007 on 11:46 am | In Uncategorized | 1 Comment

[edit] Just a quick update… I’m in!  I just got my Ravelry invite![/edit]

This is what you get when you try to take a picture of you and your DH…

And then when your sister comes to your rescue you get something a little nicer…

For grandma’s birthday we got her a digital picture frame, so we are getting lots of pictures of the family to put on it. I have pictures of the little guy (4D scan ones) and the cat and Traci’s kids, but none of us. So, while we were over last night (Scott needed to install his speakers for the haunted house this weekend), I took a group shot of the Traci’s kids and we got a nice one of us for the frame. I put the crazy one on my frame, but I’ll spare grandma.

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