13 Weeks
June 15, 2007 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on 13 WeeksThat is how far along I am as of today. When trying to get a good idea of when the second trimester starts, I’ve read everything from 12 weeks to 15 weeks. So, being the good little engineer I am, I just took 40 weeks and divided that by 3. So, that makes 13.3 weeks the transition from first to second trimester… which is Sunday (and the day I was going to make my big announcement). But we heard the heart beat on Monday (and three weeks before that we saw it), so I figured that I could just go ahead and tell more people. I’m going to wait until after my next appointment to officially tell work. I figure they need as much notice as possible to figure out who is going to cover my three programs while I’m out on maternity leave.
So, here is a picture of Krull the destroyer (working name provided by DH) from almost four weeks ago. It is a nice top down view and we were able to see two arms and two legs and the yolk sack. At one point Krull was wiggling his arms and legs and the doctor said that he was running his first marathon. DH prefers to think of it as dancing.
Oh, and for those doing the math, at my first appointment I got the okay from the doctor to run the half marathon. Now you know the reason why I ended up walking some in the last five miles. It mostly had to do with my fifth goal of finishing healthy which meant Krull. Oh, and I found out about Krull a couple of days before I ran the 5k with Shalini.
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