That lost loving feeling is spreading!

June 1, 2007 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on That lost loving feeling is spreading!

It seems that the feeling has spread from my blog to my crafts. I just don’t feel like stitching, knitting, spinning, or weaving. But I just joined Sci Fi book club again and have lots of books to read. Which is good because that is all I feel like doing these days. I bought a bunch of Harry Dresden and Garrett (Glen Cook) books as well as The Unexpected Dragon and Scholarly Magics. So, I’m slowing working my way through the pile.

I’m hoping that one day I’ll get my crafty mojo back. While I’m gone, please don’t away very far. I’ll have some exciting news to share in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, this is where I’ll be camping out with my book.

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