Better Late than Never
April 3, 2007 on 12:52 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Better Late than NeverMy plan was to run on Saturday to finish up 100 miles by April 1st. That didn’t happen, and it didn’t happen on Sunday either. But yesterday I ran 8.5 miles to bring my total up to exactly 100 miles (Nike+ says 100.03). So, I guess I did 100 miles by the end of April 2nd. If I can run 9 miles on Saturday, I’ll be back on track for the Half the first weekend in May.
Noah news. Catherine is supposed to be released today. Little Noah is in the NICU. He is having trouble with his right lung and is current on a respirator. That will give his right lung time to heal. The doctors are very optimistic. But Catherine is taking it hard (I would too if I had to leave my baby in the NICU and go home!).
For Shalini, yes mud = spackle. And yeah! My sister posted her first comment! I think I’ll make a special pair of socks for her 😉 Just kidding, I was already planning a pair of socks for both her and my mom.
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