Not getting that loving feeling…
April 24, 2007 on 4:13 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Not getting that loving feeling…from my blog. I just don’t feel like dealing with it right now. About all I have to report is that I saw Noah and I’m hoping to get a photo of him wearing the socks I knit for him before he grows out of them. I’m supporting another test starting tomorrow. I’m working Wed-Sat 2pm to 10pm. Next week I only have two shifts (Wed-Thurs). I ran 11 miles yesterday on the treadmill. I tried to run them on Saturday, but after 2 miles I was wilting in the heat and went home. Saturday was just as hot. So, I ran the 11 miles in the work gym last night. I saw lots of people come and go (I’m super slow so I can get all the miles in nonstop, it took me 2 hours 34 minutes 36 seconds). I also cast on for a new project. EZ’s BSJ for a certain little boy that I know.
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