Long Time No Post
April 13, 2007 on 1:31 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Long Time No PostI haven’t had much to say and haven’t felt like trying to find something to talk about. So, empty blog for a week.
Let’s see, what has been happening. I’m now supporting three different programs at work so things are a bit busy there. Noah is still in the NICU but there is a possibility he could come home this weekend. Update 4:50pm : Just got an email from Catherine, Noah is doing so well, that he got to go home last night!
I’ve run two long runs since I last posted. We ran 9 miles on Saturday and then 10 miles last night (I’m running a 5k with Shalini on Sunday so I moved long run up in the week). I have two more long runs before the Half on May 6th. After this half, I think I’ll wait until I’m faster before I do another. I’ll just concentrate on 5k and 10k races. At my speed, 13.1 miles is a long time.
On the crafty front, I haven’t been doing much. I’m working on the last round of the UFO round robin. I tried to spin some more on Monster Mash, but it wasn’t flowing and I just got frustrated. I started a new sock just to tink it a couple of days later after realizing my gauge was off and the sock was turning out too small. I’m on the home stretch of my last Jaywalker sock just a couple of more rounds and I’ll start decreasing for the toe.
I tried to sign up for a spinning class at MD Sheep and Wool, but I got wait listed. Part of me feels like I got wait listed not because I lost the lottery (“Classes will be filled first in order of postmark date. If there are more registrations than spaces, selection will be made by lottery”) but because I’m not part of the knitting blogsphere and I’m an unknown. Either that or my stupid little post office screwed me over. They are like the slowest post office ever. I dropped off my envelope on Saturday March 31, but it was after the noon pickup for the day. The next pickup wasn’t going to be until 4pm April 2nd (the day registration was open). So, I’m thinking the post office screwed me over and my envelope didn’t get post marked until April 3rd meaning no class for Jenni. But in reality I know that the class I wanted is being taught by a very well known and like teacher and fills up fast. Also for those who don’t know the MD Sheep and Wool Festival is one of the biggest in the US. Oh, well, who wants to lean to spin cob webs anyway.
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