Races here we come!

April 5, 2007 on 3:22 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Races here we come!

Earlier this week I signed DH and me up for two races. The first is the 5k that we are running with Shalini. The second is the half marathon the first weekend of May. We are committed now (or is that we should be committed now). We did a nice little 3.5 miler yesterday. It seemed really short after Monday night’s run :lol

I got a nice picture of the blanket, this time without colorful towels. I just need to wait for the baby shower (or for Noah to come home) before I give it to Catherine. Noah is doing better, the air pocket around his right lung is gone and his lungs are healing nicely. The chest tube has been removed and he is in an oxygen tent and so he can do more of his own breathing. Yesterday for the second time since he arrived, Catherine was able to hold him.

The next picture of this blanket will hopefully be with Noah relaxing under it at home.


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