Weekend Re-cap

March 26, 2007 on 1:08 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Weekend Re-cap

I feel like I got a lot accomplished, but I have no photos to show for it. Saturday was spent with the girls for our monthly stitching day. We took a break about 1:30 to run to the hospital to visit with Catherine. Sue drove my car so I could finish up some preemie socks for Noah that I had made with leftover sock yarn. I haven’t gotten a picture yet, but I’ll try to remember to bring my camera on Thursday when we stop by again. On our way over, we stopped by Coldstone to get Catherine some ice cream (cake batter with oreos mixed in). Catherine liked the little socks and I brought my copy of 50 Baby Bootees to Knit for her to look through. She liked the little sailor ones best so I’ll work on those next. Baby bootees are great, they are super quick! I even got Mirella interested in knitting because of that book.

I left the girls at the hospital while I ran to my oboe lesson. Except when I got there, I realized that I had left my oboe at Sue’s house! If I was a quicker thinker, I would have just told Jim that I wanted to play the English Horn and that would have been that. But instead we chatted for a bit and then I left.

I beat the girls back so I got some good time in on the Alphabet blanket. I finished up the third border on Saturday (my goal for the week) and then worked some on my second Jaywalker sock. I’m on the instep and should have a finished pair soon. Sunday I picked up for the final border and got most of that complete. All I have left is the triangle edging and it will be finished.

Sunday started with a phone call from my sister. Everyone wave to my lurker sister, Traci. She stopped by yesterday to pick up my Gallery Glass supplies so she can make some stuff for her shop.

And finally after seven weeks of only running about once a week, I’m getting back on track. DH and I ran 6.5 miles yesterday. It wasn’t my best run, I ended up having to walk twice (for a total of maybe 0.5 mile). I was super super slow, but that’s okay. I need to get back on track and then my speed will get back to where it was (which is only super slow).

I also did some stuff around the house. I finally got the seedlings started for the pepper and tomatoes (only about a month late). I got the baseboard heater off the wall in the den so I can tear off the paneling. And while the house power was down (the fuse box is so mislabeled that we just turn the entire house off instead of trying to figure out which one goes where ever since I found out the hard way that the AC power goes through the hall light box), I took down the kitchen light/fan and the dining room light so I can swap them. I got the old dining room/new kitchen light back up before nap time hit hard. So, this weekend I have to get the light/fan up in the dining room. Until then I have the leads protected with caps. DH will still be trying to switch that light on at least twice a day.


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