Okay, I’m not a polar bear

February 6, 2007 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Okay, I’m not a polar bear

And the current cold snap is probably all my fault because of my last entry. It was actually so cold out last night (13F with a windchill of like -1F) that I skipped my scheduled run. I’m hoping it will get back into the twenties before tomorrow so I can get the rest of this week’s runs in.

So, now I’m wearing a winter coat, but I forgot to bring hat, gloves, and a scarf. It would have helped when I needed to make the 1/4 mile trek to another building this morning for a meeting. And I even finished a nice wool hat last night. I used September’s Spunky Fiber, Leaf Peep, to knit a Fake Isle Hat.

In other words, I went from this…

To this…

To this…

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