Isn’t it Ironic

January 23, 2007 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Isn’t it Ironic

I’m scheduled to work a high profile satellite test that pumped down today (the test is thermal vacuum for those fluent in satellite environmental testing). I have two shifts this week. Then next Thursday I start 5 on 1 off for 17 days.

The first version of the shift schedule had me working every Tuesday starting this week but not Feb 10th. So, I couldn’t make any of the band practices for the next concert which is on Feb 10th. The next and more recent shift schedules (the test was delayed, thus the updated shift schedules) gave me all the Tuesdays off, but I’m scheduled to work the 10th. I would ask for the day off so I could play the concert, but I already told everyone I couldn’t play it.

And the ironic thing? I can’t play the space concert (Mars, Jupiter, The Right Stuff, Star Wars) because I’m scheduled to babysit an interplanetary satellite.

And because it is a high profile test, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do any knitting during the down times like usual. But we shall see…

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