Some Pictures before I go

October 26, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Some Pictures before I go

I don’t feel like talking much, work is annoying me and well, this is definitely not the place to discuss that…

I went to AC Moore to get more eyeballs for the last hedgehog. They were sold out of 12 mm solid black eyes. Good thing because it turns out I had another package at home that I didn’t see until late last night. So, I finished up the lime green one.

I also got my Spunky Fiber for the month. I accidentally called last months October’s (it arrived on Oct 1), but that was actually September’s. This is the real October. It is Falkland in colorway Monster Mash.

I’m heading to the airport at 7:30 AM tomorrow. If I can get online, I might try to post. If not, I’ll see ya next month.

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