“Are you still running?”

October 11, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on “Are you still running?”

Why does that question bother me so much? Maybe because they seem to be expecting the answer to be no. I would much rather they ask how the running is going or something that doesn’t make it sound like they expect me to quit any second now.

It is especially annoying when a co-worker I talked to yesterday about my 5k asks me that. No, since I’ve done my 5k, I feel there is nothing to work towards. Is that what he is expecting me to answer? If anything I’m annoyed that the 5k interrupted my training schedule. I wasn’t training for the 5k. I’m currently training to get my long run to an hour (should be there in the next week or two). I figured that I was running longer than 3.1 miles so I signed up for my first race.

So, what is my plan after I get to an hour? I’m going to Disneyland… err I mean New Zealand. I’m taking my running shoes with me, so I hope I can get a couple of runs in. I know I won’t be able to stick to a training schedule, but I just don’t want to lose too much of what I worked towards. After I get back, I’ll probably work back up to an hour. Then I’ll stay there for a bit. I want to get to about 20 miles per week. After that, who knows maybe I’ll train for some 10ks, a 10 miler, or maybe even a half marathon.

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