
October 4, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Ack!

To make sure I didn’t back out of the 5k (since I’m the only one I know running it), I signed up online today. I’ve paid the money, so I might as well show up and get the t-shirt. I might be slow, but I’m about three weeks away from finishing the One Hour Runner program (with modifications), so I think I should be able to do it. I mean, I know I can do it. I ran for 50 minutes on Friday and I have a 55 minute run planned today. I was finally able to find the results from last year and yup, I’ll be either DFL or 2nd to DFL. But I’m okay with that. I just want the experience of doing a race and I’ll just beat this time in my next race.

I was suppose to run on Monday after work, but when went to change, I noticed that I had two right shoes! I fixed that this morning and made sure that I had 1 right and 1 left shoe and they actually matched and are my newer Asics. I’m curious to see how tonight’s run will go. I’ll be running after work before I go home and the paths here are much flatter than the roads around my house. I’m hoping that the race course on Saturday will be flat too so I can make my goal.

T – 23 days until I leave for NZ and I still have five and a half hedgehogs to go!

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