Still dead

July 20, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Still dead

We bought some parts but the computer still isn’t working right. We have one last idea that we’ll try out tonight. After that, we might need to inlist some help (like maybe my BIL who works IT at the Captial).

I’ve finished two hedgehogs (pink for the auction and yellow for my mom) and have one more to go. I’ve ditched the idea of bookmarks for the silent auction. They are taking way longer than I thought and my mom wasn’t going to auction them and just sell them for a fixed price. After seeing how she priced things for the yard sale, I don’t want to spend lots and lots of time on bookmarks that my mom is only going to sell for a few bucks (if that).

I’m really really hoping we get the computer working tonight. I’m busy tomorrow night after work, almost all day Saturday and Sunday. And then Monday I leave for a business trip and won’t be back until Friday of next week.

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