Global Village – New Zealand
June 26, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Global Village – New ZealandQuiz time!
Wanna find out what is happening to me next October? Then take my quiz…
1) In October I will:
a. Quit my job and buy an alpaca farm in the country
b. Go to Auckland, New Zealand on a Habitat for Humanity short-term house-building trip
c. Have a baby
d. Do nothing
Answer: b (Don’t even think anything else…)
2) While in New Zealand, I will
a. Work as an extra in the next “Chronicles of Narnia” movie
b. Study the kiwi bird at a local university
c. Work with a local Habitat affiliate to eliminate poverty housing
d. Build homes w/families in need of a simple, decent place to live
e. c and d
Answer: e (I will be part of an 18-member team building houses in Auckland, New Zealand)
3) The amount I need to raise for this trip:
a. $3,000
b. $10,000
c. $25
Answer: a (I wish it were free! This covers all expenses including airfare and contribution to Habitat for Humanity.)
4) Would you consider:
a. Helping me do my laundry before I go?
b. Being a guest blogger while I’m gone?
c. Donating to my trip?
d. Visiting my kitty so he doesn’t get lonely?
e. All of the above
Answer: e (But especially c)
5) To make a financial contribution:
a. Make checks payable to Habitat for Humanity International
b. Please respond by August 15, 2006
c. Email me at for where to send a check
d. Visit my trip web site (
e. All of the above
Answer: e (You can donate via credit card on line at my website.)
Thanks for taking this quiz and supporting Habitat’s short-term work project. I’ll have lots of stories and photos to share when I return.
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