Back in the swing of things

May 30, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Back in the swing of things

I stitched, wove, and spun this weekend. Okay in actuality I mostly stitched, but I also I measured out a warp and painted it, and I spun a bit of BFL to sample.

I’m getting really close to finishing the first page of Jupiter Abstract.

A while back I bought a painted warp kit from Halcyon so I played with that yesterday. I mixed up Anitque Rose, Goldenrod, and Yellow Green from directions I found on All About Hand Dyeing. I’ll rinse it out tonight and see what it looks like. I’m planning on making a painted warp scarf for my MIL for her birthday. I’m thinking alternating stripes of painted warp and plain white with a white weft. I’ll play for a bit and see what happens.

I also spun up some of the BFL that I bought at MDS&W at the beginning of the month. It was my first experience with BFL and boy was it nice. No pictures, it was only a small amount. I’m attempting to improve my spinning (more consistant thickness and more twist). I’m getting better, but…

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