New Toy

May 31, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on New Toy

I swear I wrote this out earlier today, but I guess I was still editting it and never saved it before I went off to do something else.

Well, I bought a new toy, a 4G iPod Nano in white. I had iPod envy and I told myself that if I got onto the NZ Habitat team that I would upgrade. I also have been wanting one recently so I can go running by myself without getting bored to tears. My old mp3 player was the size of a portable CD player from the 80’s. And I think it is a hard drive and not a flash drive so it would probably skip if I tried to lug it running.

While I was installing iTunes last night, I rinsed out the warp I painted on Monday.

I’m very happy with the colors. If I have time I’ll start warping the loom tonight. Hopefully this will turn out something close to what I planned.

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