Jupiter Abstract
April 24, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Jupiter AbstractI worked some more on Jupiter Abstract and I really like how it is coming out. Unfortuntely I don’t have features popping out like other designs (look a head, a wing, etc), instead I get look another blob. So, here is yet another blob…
I also worked on the gaudy dish cloth. I started on Thursday and didn’t like the design I picked, so I ripped that out and started another one. That one is going much better. Here is a picture from Saturday morning (or was that Friday night?).
I don’t remember if I mentioned here that I dyed this wrong. My idea was to end up with a rainbow washcloth. Instead I dyed it the wrong direction and got rainbow varigated yarn. Oh well, it will still wash dishes. I got another ten or so rows done this morning while I was waiting in line for my yearly car inspection.
And on the Machine Knitting to Dye for front, I measure out over 700 yards of this cotton for the Ribby Shell and knit it up into the blank on Saturday. I think the blank will sit for a time while I play with smaller blanks to get the colors right.
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