Setting my plan into motion

April 20, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Setting my plan into motion

I wasn’t able to dye the dishcloth blank until last night. DH was kind enough to buy plastic measure spoons and cups on Monday but didn’t get home until late because of Kendo. Tuesday I have band practice, so last night was my first opportunity. I used some Procion MX dyes that I got at AC Moore and the other bits came from a warp painting kit I bought. I followed the directions I found on Dharma Trading for hand painted cotton yarn. And I turned the fabric blank seen here into this…

I let it sit over night and rinsed it this morning. Since it was cotton and this dishcloth will be going through the laundry, I shoved it into the dryer after I had rinsed out all the dye. I’m going to cast on at lunch today for DH’s new dishcloth!

This is just a test run for my first *real* project. Next step is to measure out close to 700 yards from the big cone of cotton!

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