Well, the EZ Knittr arrived yesterday

April 14, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Well, the EZ Knittr arrived yesterday

And I didn’t notice until this morning when I started to play with it that it was broken. It is supposed to come with two needle beds that are then bolted together. The box had two needle beds when I opened it. Well, it turns out that it wasn’t actually two pieces unbolted, but actually three pieces two of which were bolted together. Or unbolted, it looked like this…

I’ve written to the seller since it was sold in Used condition and ready to knit (some assembly required). I’m going to buy some good glue tonight and see if I can fix it. I don’t want to return this for a refund, it was only $20 plus shipping. But I am pissed that the fact that it was broken and useless wasn’t noted in the Ebay listing.

Okay, maybe not exactly useless… I did manage to figure out how it works and knitted for a little bit. But it was annoying since I only had one clamp on the left side.

But now I stink like cigarette smoke from the thing.

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