New Technique

April 13, 2006 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on New Technique

So, I started a new project last night and I’m using a new technique. When I talked to DH about it, here is how it went…

Me: I’m trying out a new technique, it is called…
DH: Stitching?
Me: Ha ha, very funny.

What I’m actually doing is trying out the parking technique talked about over on the HAED BB. This technique works really well for computer generated charts. And no, my new project isn’t Dreaming Mermaid that I just bought. What I started was Jupiter Abstract by Character Creations. I’m stitching it 2 over 2 with tent stitch on 48 count silk gauze.

Here is a picture of the complete project and the next is a picture of the 500 stitches in the top left corner that I’ve done so far.

Looks like someone is ready for spring.

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