Running, Running, Running
March 20, 2006 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Running, Running, RunningI’m so glad that I got DH into running over Christmas break. Since then we’ve been running once or twice on the weekends. This weekend was a great running weekend. I feel like I made good progress. We did our usual 1.8 mile route on Friday night (running in the dark on gravel country roads!). I only had to walk up half of the monster hill. Then yesterday we did the 5K cross country course at a local park. I did much better yesterday than the first time we tried it (lots of hills at the beginning). Very exciting! I’m actually becoming a runner. I never thought that would happen. I always thought running was boring, that I didn’t want to be left alone with my thoughts for that long. But I’m not really left alone with my thoughts. If I want to think there is the great outdoors to think about. But usually I prefer to just kind of zone out.
Besides a good running weekend, I had a bunch of friends over to stitch on Saturday and that was lots of fun. I worked a bit on Julia’s dress, Tara’s baby booties, and even Storyteller (which was just returned from Sue’s House of Repairs).
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