Starting a new project today!

March 9, 2006 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Starting a new project today!

Yeah, like I don’t have enough in works as it is. But I don’t actually have much obligation stuff on the go. So, I needed to add another since Noah’s Ark is going to be delivered to its new home on Sunday.

I’m going to make this for my littlest niece (who is now nine months old) for her Easter dress. I’ll cast on at today’s lunch time Stitch ‘n Bitch.

And tonight I’ll work more on the sleeves for baby cardigan. I’m working on both of sleeves at the same time. I’m a bit more than half way finished the sleeves. After that I have the button/buttonhole bands and then seaming. And of course I can’t forget the booties. I have exactly two weeks to finish that all up. No problem!

The duck has been wear the little purple combo that I didn’t get a chance to photograph before. And as I told DH this morning, now that I got that photo she will be wearing something different. This morning she is wearing her period garb.

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