Someone Needs to Stop Me!
March 31, 2006 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Someone Needs to Stop Me!I’ve been drooling over all the blog entries that have to do with this for a while now. It might have been since about September.
Anyhoo. I was just innocently surfing on eBay when I saw a knitting machine up with 8 hours left and no bids. So, I decided to bid on it. And guess what, I won! I got an EZ Knittr (which was the Wal-mart stripped down version of the Ultimate Sweater Machine sold at craft stores) for just under 40 bucks including shipping! I priced it out with sock blanks that you can buy from Nancy Roberts. And using the Knitpicks Color Your Own (which I have two of already), it will be worth it if I only do two four pairs of socks with this technique. I also have some homespun that I want use for this.
And the Mernio Style I bought from the Divine Ms. Em arrived yesterday! Now I just have to figure out what project is next. So far I have two votes for Liv and one for Eris.
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