I’m outta here!

January 9, 2006 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on I’m outta here!

Well, not this very second but this will be my last blog entry until after I return on the 19th. Our flight leaves at 6am, so we are meeting at the church at 3am. My church (sister church of the one who organizes this) has two pastors. One is going on the trip and the other is driving the van full of luggage to and from the airport. Pastor Joe (the one driving the van) asked me to drive him to the church since the van will already be there. So, I’m picking him up at 2:15am. Of course I live about half an hour away so that means I kiss Scott goodbye and head out about 1:45am! I slept in late this morning because I have no idea when I’ll get to sleep next (I’m hoping before Tuesday night!).

I’m taking my camera with me to Honduras, but feel free to take a look at my pictures from my last trip until I get back. The only difference for this trip is the rain. I looked at the weather forecast and it looks like rain from now until the 18th.

I’ll have lots of things to post when I get back since I’ve been slack on the photos of finished projects. I finished two ornaments, two cupcake hats, one baby Bobbi bear with a drop stitch ribbon scarf, and one sock. I’m taking the second sock with me on the trip, so I’ll hopefully have a finished pair when I return. The sock is just the basic toe up pattern from Wendy Knit’s. I’m thinking of taking more yarn with me in case I finish this sock (we have a four hours layover in Miami tomorrow). I’ve decided the next pair will be Jaywalker’s. I just need to decide on the yarn, blue or black/white?

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