And the saga continues…

December 14, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on And the saga continues…

And the saga continues… DH called this morning to ask when we were getting propane since we ran out last night. They say, oh since you are out, we won’t fill up the tank unless someone is there. DH says, okay when can we schedule this. Oh, we don’t schedule that. DH gets pissed and ends the conversation. He goes to lunch and comes back to find a message on his voice mail that says… They couldn’t fill our tanks because there was a lock on the door. Yes, there is a lock on the door, no it isn’t locked. DH unlocked it Monday morning and the reason I know this because I tried to unlock it also. The lock is just hanging there not locked. He tells them this, they say oh, we’ll try again. They call back to say, the tanks weren’t actually empty (probably just not enough in them to keep the pressure up to keep the fireplaces going) and that they filled up the tanks. Thanks and have a nice day. Of course they have told us this crap before (old house) and even responded to our response that the gauge says it isn’t full that it sometimes takes a while for the gauge to respond (bullshit). So, I’ll check the tanks when I get home tonight to see if they are full. Oh and in VA, yes they have to inspect the lines to open a new account, but they can fill the tanks before the inspection is complete.

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