
December 8, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Pictures!

I’ve noticed in the past that people respond well to pictures. And it seems that I have more stitchers reading than knitters since it is my stitching pictures that draw the most comments. So, here are some pictures from November that I never got around to posting…

Progress on TW’s Noah’s Ark (which I’m trying to finish by Christmas)… I finished all the X’s! The pictures is a bit out of date. I’ve finished backstitching all the blue bits in the border. I have all the animals up to the Musk Ox (who is at 90%) backstitching. But I’m almost completely done the border! It is looking more and more possible to get this finished by Christmas (let’s not even talk about framing quite yet).

Turtles and things with my house also seem to draw lots of comments. I don’t have any recent turtle pictures, but I do have some kitchen ones. Here is the before, where if someone was on the other side you only saw them from the neck to waist.

But just after Thanksgiving, it took me about an hour to do this…

And probably one of the more exciting things happening at home… My orchid is blooming! This picture is also out of date. All three blooms have been open for at least a week now. I received this orchid almost four years ago at my bridal shower. This is the first time it has bloomed since I got it. I think it likes the new house. DH wants to get me more orchids now.

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