Long time no see… hear?
December 6, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Long time no see… hear?I’ve been reprimanded by Scott (DH) and Sue for not posting. I’ve been actually thinking about taking down the blog, still not sure. But I guess I’ll give this blogging thing another try.
So, what have I been doing since I last posted? Well, DH’s grandmother passed away so we ran to Oklahoma for the funeral. I’ve been juggling two satellite programs and last week helping out with a third. We have a certain customer that is considered a “hard” customer. Most people don’t even want to work one of those programs. Lucky me, I get two. And the two satellites launch within six months of each other (in 2008).
Home life is good, I tore out some cabinets in the kitchen to open it up to the dining room more. I called and emailed a guy about taking oboe lessons and he responded once but never told me a time or anything and I’ve heard nothing since. I guess I’ll call back in January after I get back from vacation. Because I’m going to Honduras again next month.
Crafting wise, I’ve been concentrating on finishing up Noah’s Ark as a Christmas gift. I also knit some really cute cupcake hats for the younger nieces. I missed last month’s weaver’s guild meeting since I thought it was the third Wednesday of the month and I didn’t find out until the second Wednesday that it was really the first. Tomorrow is supposed to be the next meeting, but I haven’t gotten the newsletter yet and I have no idea where the meeting is being held (it is held at people’s houses).
I guess that is about all I’ve done last month. It seemed to fly by really quickly.
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