Weekend Update
October 24, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Weekend UpdateI had a big review on Friday and I think it went well. And I actually got out of work early. Good thing, since DH and I had a three hour drive to get to Williamsburg Friday night. Then Saturday we spend the day with friends at Busch Gardens. Anheuser-Busch currently has a “Here’s to the Heroes” compaign going on and are giving free tickets to their parks for members of the military and up to three dependents. So, my friends to tickets for four and invited us along. We had fun until all the Howl-O-Scream people showed up. It was so bad that at one point we couldn’t make any forward progress. Shortly after that we were on the road heading home.
Yesterday was a very lazy day at home. I played on my loom working on a scarf made from Lion Suede by Lion Brand. I ran out of yarn before I finished, so I’m going to get some more tonight. I’m doing it as a test to see if I like the results. If I do, I think lots of family members are going to be getting scarves for Christmas.
I also did a test with a wallpaper sample I received for the dining room. I painted a small corner with leftover paint from the hallway and taped the sample under the chair moulding. It was a good test, since we decided to not use that wallpaper. The bamboo wallpaper didn’t look good with the brick fireplace we have in the dining room. We might have to go with real wood instead of wallpaper.
And at lunch today, I bought a new ceiling fixture for the front foyer. We currently have three lights in the hallway, one in the front foyer part and two on the hallway leading to the bedrooms. And they are all different (and ugly). I picked this one out and I bought one. I think it will look great with the new all color. Next up will be replacing the tile laminate in the front foyer to something warmer.
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